Senior Fellow at TransResearch Consortium and Claremont Graduate University, Senior Consultant at Sentia Group Inc.

Dr. Marina Arbetman-Rabinowitz, is a Senior Fellowat the TransResearchConsortium and Claremont Graduate University and a Senior consultant at Sentia Group Inc. She is a political economist with vast experience in estimation of conflict, socio-economic and political measures. She is a consulting with the World Bank in Cambodia, Mongolia, Philippines and numerous Latin American nations including Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.

Dr. Arbetman-Rabinowitzis pioneer in the concept of political extraction and the major force behind the creation of political reach. Dr. Arbetman-Rabinowitzcoordinated much of the construction of political reach and extraction measures, and the compilation and integration of the fiscal and economic indicators that are required to empirically assess Political Performance. Her extensive prior data experience helped enormously in the collection and analysis of information for complex environments like Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa.

Previously, Dr. Arbetman-Rabinowitz held academic positions at Universidad of Buenos Aires, University of Missouri-Columbia, and Tulane University. She completed much of her early training in Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina and obtained a PhD at Vanderbilt University in 1990.

Other related research work, publication, websites, and links

  • Demographic and Economic Consequences of Conflict.
  • Power Distribution and Oil in the Sudan: Will the Comprehensive Peace Agreement turn the Curse into a Blessing.
  • Government Structure, Strength, and Effectiveness.
  • Political Capacity and Economic Behavior.
  • The Economic Costs of the American Civil War: A Reexamination.
  • Exploring the `Phoenix Factor with a Collective Good Perspective.
  • Choosing Among Measures of Power: A Review of the Empirical Record.