Tugrul Daim

Name: Tugrul Daim
Academic Title: Professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology Management at Portland State University

Dr. Tugrul Daim is the Research Associate Director of the Hatfield Cybersecurity and Cyber Defense Policy Center and a member of the Oregon Cybersecurity Center of Excellence leadership team. He is also the Technology Management Doctoral program director at Portland State University. Dr. Daim leads a research group on Technology Evaluations and Research Applications. His group has had more than 20 PhD graduates. He is currently advising more than 15 PhD students. Over 15 visiting scholars from all around the world have joined his group in the last decade. Dr. Daim is recognized worldwide for his research leadership in road mapping and forecasting technologies. He has published over 200 refereed journal papers, more than 20 special issues, and more than 20 books. He made more than 200 conference presentations and gave several keynote lectures. He sits on the board of many academic institutions and industrial organizations.

Carole Alsharabati

Professor & Director of the Political Science Institute at Université Saint Joseph, Beirut

Email: carole.alsharabati@gotocme.com

Carole Alsharabati is the Director of the Political Science Institute at Université Saint Joseph in Beirut where she also teaches statistics, game theory, macroeconomics, political economy, conflict resolution, negotiation, and political communication. Her current research centers on refugees and migration. 

Carole provides consulting on security reform, focusing on quantitative analysis and process automation. In 2014, Carole participated in the creation and launching of an anti-Corruption whistleblowing NGO (Sakker El Dekkene). Carole has further consulted for the International Foundation for Electoral Systems and the Lebanese Ministry of Interior on electoral reform. 

She is a founding partner of CME Offshore sal, a software outsourcing company with 150 employees in Lebanon and over 200 worldwide. She has co-authored a publication on “Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century”. Carole holds a PH.D. in Political science from Claremont Graduate University with emphasis on international relations and quantitative methodology. She is fluent in English, French, and Arabic.

Tadeusz Kugler

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Politics and International Relations, Roger Williams University
Email: tkugler@rwu.edu
Work Phone: +1(401)­ 254-3447

TadeuszKugler is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Roger Williams University with a specialization in International and Comparative Political Economy and International Relations. His latest publications focused on the economic and demographic foundations of growth and their connection to international power, how political capacity interacts with economic freedom to attract FDI within nations, and the dynamics in demographical and economic recovery after war.

These and other publications can be found in International Studies Quarterly, International Interactions, International Studies Review, and in edited volumes such as The Performance of Nations and the ISA Compendium. His current working papers deal with the influence of state political parties within India on economic development and alleviation of conflict, estimating the true extent of internal migrations with in India and China, as well as the economic consequences of discrimination.

His latest book project, The Demographic Clock;focuses on how demography creates the foundation on which the economic potential of nations and the dynamics of the international system are built. He received his Ph.D. in Economics and Politics at Claremont Graduate University and his MBA from the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management.

Other related research work, publication, websites, and links

  • The Demographic & Economic Consequences of Conflict.

  • Political Demography.

  • The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment: An Interactive Framework.

  • The Politics of Population.

  • The Demographic Clock.

  • Revised Political Demography.

  • New Estimates of "Floating" population within India and China.

J. Patrick Rhamey Jr.

Name: J. Patrick Rhamey Jr.
Academic Title: Assistant Professor, Department of International Studies and Political Science, Virginia Military Institute
Email Address: rhameyjp@vmi.edu

J. Patrick Rhamey, Jr. is Assistant Professor of International Studies and Political Science at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia where he also directs the Institute’s Central Europe Study Abroad Program and serves as an elected member of the Lexington City Council. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Arizona, M.A. in Political Science from the University of Georgia, and B.A. in International Studies and Political Science from Rhodes College. His research includes understanding the impact of systemic hierarchy, analysis of the causes of international conflict, and theorizing in the subfield of comparative regionalism. A common theme throughout these research programs is the impact of geography in conditioning our understanding of state behavior, including the temporal coexistence of order and disorder across different regions of the word within the international system.

ResearchGate URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/J_Rhamey
LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/j-patrick-rhamey-jr-66527617
Curriculum Vitae: Click Here


1. "Order and Disorder across Geopolitical Space" https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/jird.2014.3

2. "Major Power Status (In)Consistency and Political Relevance in International Relations Studies" https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/peps.2013.19.issue-3/peps-2013-0046/peps-2013-0046.xml

3.  "Going for the Gold" http://ias.sagepub.com/content/16/3/244.abstract

Yuzhu Zeng

Name: Yuzhu Zeng

Email: yzeng@lasierra.edu

Dr. Yuzhu Zeng holds a Ph.D. in Political Science at Claremont Graduate University. She is an assistant professor at La Sierra University. She researches the dynamics of population and their broad implications, exploring the intersections of migration and economic growth at both national and sub-national levels. Her work also investigates the political capacity of governments and the influence on firm management, as well as the impact of hierarchical structures within the business sectors. Her academic pursuit of understanding of global economic frameworks and strategic business
management fosters a comprehensive perspective on political and economic interactions. She obtained an MBA from the University of La Verne and received her M.A in International Studies from Claremont Graduate University.